WordPress vs Drupal – Which is better

Are you struggling to figure out the WordPress vs Drupal difference? We may be a WordPress hosting provider , but that doesn’t mean we think WordPress is the only way to build a website (even though there are plenty of good reasons to use WordPress ).

We have already compared Squarespace to WordPress . Now, in this post, we will dive deeper into Drupal, another popular content management system, and see how it compares to WordPress.

WordPress vs Drupal: Introduction and What the Numbers Say

Before we dive into some of the more important details, let’s have a brief introduction of the two players in this comparison. Obviously, they are both content management systems . That means they provide you with a self-hosted solution to Which is better create and manage all of your website’s content (just like the name suggests! ).

So how well do they perform as content management systems?


WordPress  is the world’s most popular content management system. Originally launched as a blogging platform in 2003 , WordPress now powers 43.6% of all websites and controls a massive 62.1% of the known content management system market.

Some notable examples of famous entities that use WordPress for all or part of their web presence include:

  • Whitehouse.gov
  • Sony Mobile
  • University of Washington
  • Mercedes Benz
  • TechCrunch
  • The New Yorker


Drupal  has been around longer than WordPress, though it lacks WordPress’s eye-catching market share. Originally launched in 2000, Drupal germany email list powers 2.3% of all websites and has a 4.6% share of the content management system market.

Some notable websites that use Which is better Drupal are:

  • University of Colorado
  • State of Colorado
  • The Economist
  • Dallas Cowboys
  • Nasa.gov

Looking at Google Trends from 2004 onwards, we wordpress ease of use and learning curve can see that both had a rapid rise to fame, but are now experiencing a decline. But these are simply trends. In terms of market share growth , both WordPress and Drupal have grown over the years.

What Are Some of the Most Mentioned Advantages of WordPress and Drupal?

If you browse the web for discussions australia cell numbers about WordPress vs Drupal , you can find plenty of proponents for each. Here are some of the most commonly cited reasons for choosing one platform over the other:

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