Zyxel usg lite 60ax ​​test3

Zyxel USG Lite 60AX vs. other routers – 5GHz – 80MHz.

Using 80MHz channel width, there are better routers out there, but the Lite AX60 still performs very well, approaching one gigabit.

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Zyxel USG Lite 60AX – Wireless Network Test – 5GHz – Downstream – WiFi 6 and WiFi 5 Client Devices.

Throughput remains excellent even

In the downstream direction, but let’s also look at the range of the wireless router.

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Zyxel USG Lite 60AX – Wireless Network Test+Signal Attenuation (-dB) – 5 GHz – WiFi 6 and WiFi 5 Client Devices – Upstream

We’re most interested in the spot country wise email marketing list where the signal attenuation is -85dB, and we see that the WiFi 6 client had no problem maintaining decent throughput, while the WiFi 5 one was a little less impressive and the other dropped out completely.

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Zyxel USG Lite 60AX – Wireless Network Test+Signal Attenuation (-dB) – 5 GHz – WiFi 6 and WiFi 5 Client Devices – Downstream

And that’s true for both upstream and downstream. So, to get the most out of this router, use Wi-Fi 6 devices.

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Zyxel USG Lite 60AX – 5ft – Upstream – Long Lasting Wireless Performance.

I’ve also added a long-term serp checker by seobility performance graph, including a comparison with the ASUS TUF-AX4200.

Wireless Test (2.4GHz)
Let’s now test the throughput when using the 2.4GHz radio band, as it will be used quite often given the ever-increasing number of client devices.

zyxel usg lite 60ax ​​test7 Zyxel usg lite

Zyxel USG Lite 60AX – 2.4GHz – Upstream – WiFi 6 and WiFi 5 Client Devices.

I used a 40MHz channel bandwidth to get better throughput, but it’s probably smarter to use a 20MHz channel bandwidth for better signal penetration. That said, upstream it’s decent performance, especially when using a WiFi 6 client, while the results from the two WiFi 5 clients were less interesting.

Wireless Network Test+Signal Attenuation

(-dB) – 2.4 GHz – WiFi 6 and WiFi 5 Client Devices – Upstream

The range test shows that we get good results bahrain lists at a fairly long distance, and at 70 feet in my home, the signal attenuation was -74 dB. Compared to other wireless routers, the USG Lite AX60 is slightly above average.

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