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– Prefix: The number starts with `05`, follow by a specific digit that denotes the service provider.

– Subscriber Number:

The remaining digits represent the individual subscriber’s number.


For example, a typical Saudi mobile number might look like `050-123-4567`:

– `050` indicates a number from one of the major telecom operators.

– `123-4567` is the subscriber number.


# 1.2 Service Provider Prefixes

In Saudi Arabia, different mobile 2024 UAE Telegram Users Library  network operators use specific prefixes for their numbers:

– STC (Saudi Telecom Company):

Prefixes include `050`, `053`, `055`, and `058`.

– Mobily: Prefixes include `054` and `056`.

– Zain: Prefixes include `059` and `057`.

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These prefixes help identify the service Dominican Republic Phone Number Database  provider and are crucial for routing calls and messages correctly.


# 1.3 International Dialing Format


When dialing Saudi mobile numbers from abroad, the leading `0` is replac by the country code for Saudi Arabia, which is `+966`. The format for international dialing is `+966 X-XXXX-XXX`.


For example:

– A number `050-123-4567` in Saudi Arabia would be dial internationally as `+966 50 123 4567`.


  1. Mobile Phone Number Allocation and Management


The allocation and management of mobile phone numbers in Saudi Arabia are overseen by the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC). This regulatory body ensures the efficient distribution and usage of phone numbers within the country.