Even amateurs and professional listing managers are unable to achieve results when it comes to “overseas” advertising, and many companies operate with the same rules as domestic listing advertising…. You
can see this clearly by looking at the Google and Facebook accounts of the companies I have been managing for the past 2-3 years.
Therefore, in this article, I would like to introduce some advertising management rules that even amateurs and professional ad managers make mistakes in advertising to overseas audiences, and some things that you should avoid.
1. Don’t use Google Keyword Listing Ads
You should not suddenly start keyword costa rica whatsapp data advertising on Google Ads.
For example, let’s say you are selling Japanese cann mackerel. When you want to sell this to overseas customers through cross-border e-commerce, you might try to sell it through keyword advertising by setting the keyword “cann mackerel for sale” in Google Ads… This is a wrong way of thinking.
If you are a professional operator, you would first narrow down your main keyword, “cann mackerel,” and then use a tool to research relat keywords. Then, you will have a list of keywords as shown below, and in order to aim for a high click-through rate, you will ne to think of ad copy that is optimiz for each keyword.
However, in the search results display in the
US market, there are no keyword ads at why is it important to know how to calculate valuation ? all, and most ads show actual product images, store names, prices, and reviews. This is because ads that show product images and prices are more likely to lead to sales than keyword ads that only show text.
These ads are call data fe ads and cannot be post as easily as keyword ads. They can only be posted after the data from the product database has been processed into the format specified by Google and uploaded. To sell products overseas, you need to create data and advertise using data fe ads instead of keyword ads, referring to the guidelines in each country .
2. Don’t do Google Display Ads
Banner ads display on websites
Display ads are banner ads or two-line text ads that are display on YouTube and major news sites.
There are two types of display ads: ads that are display on websites bas on the user’s interests, and remarketing ads that are deliver only to users who have click on an ad once. The former type, which displays direct ads, should not be us.
This type of advertising is made possible by Google using various algorithms to match the relevance of the content of the ad with the content of the website as much as possible, but it has no effect at all when distributed overseas. It’s not that it has no effect at all, but it’s even worse than keyword advertising (though that’s bad for Google).
3. Don’t do Facebook product ads
Facebook also uses the data feed ads text services introduced at the beginning . Product ads are displayed on users’ Facebook pages, but they are completely ineffective. Google’s shopping ads are far more effective than product ads.
However, if you set up retargeting to target customers who viewed a product page on a website, added it to their cart but did not purchase it, you can achieve a certain level of advertising effectiveness.