In addition to the already well-known

 And the ipad , from apple, new products from taiwanese companies such as netronix , inc. And kobo , inc. Were observed.Coincidentally, during the days of In addition to iste the launch was announced in the north american press. Of nook , the product with which the gigantic book distribution chain barnes & noble intends to compete in the very growing e-book market. On the other hand, we learned about initiatives there such as ck.

Org and curriki.Org , foundations

That aim to provide free digital access to school textbooks approved by the different states of the american union. Finally. Back in our country. We learned Qatar Phone Number of the announcement by amazon.Com that for the first time. In the last quarter. Sales of its digital books. To be read on the kindle. Had exceeded those of its books hard cover “hard cover”. Traditional and the first source of income for north american bookstores.

 These innovations and these

News mark a strong trend towards the accelerated substitution of the printed book for the electronic book. With the consequent implications and Australia Phone Number List opportunities for school systems and libraries. Especially in our countries with more limited In addition to economic resources. Smart cell phones . A recurring theme in several conferences and panels was the increasing penetration of the educational use of smart cell phones in classrooms and the growing use of these devices in to strategies. One device per student.