Today I want to compare two marketing disciplines that both fall into the Demand Generation category . We’ll find out what to expect from a B2B lead generated from online marketing and cold calling . This time I’m not talking about the cost/value of the conversion, but rather the probability of closing a business case – into an order or a signed contract.
To explain, I will use a classic sales funnel. Every B2B salesperson who has undergone some sales training is familiar with it.
Both online marketing and cold calls Online marketing take care of the first stage of the sales funnel – Demand Generation .
For marketers, however, it is only in the next steps that it becomes interesting. I have divided them into two phases, which will interest us in this article. Their success has a great influence on the result of the entire campaign. And in the long term, on the company’s business result. Does it seem to you that the success of conversion into a usa email list business case and the success of your own business case are the same? I will show you that it is not.
Success rate of conversion into a business case
The success of the conversion depends on the strength of the customer’s motivation/need, the quality of our product, and the stage of the purchasing process in which the customer is currently located.
If a prospect has responded to online marketing tools and actively clicked on a paid ad (it doesn’t matter if it’s a text campaign, banners or video) and then filled out a form, that’s a really big interest. It will most likely lead to at least a meeting the audience profiling process and then an offer.
What do a telemarketer and a garbage collector have
If a potential customer in B2B Online australia cell numbers marketing responds to a phone call and agrees to a meeting, their motivation is often lower than in the first case. We actually contacted them before the purchase process began. This results in a lower success rate in moving them to the offer stage. It can even happen that despite all efforts to validate the potential, the customer sometimes cancels an already scheduled meeting (it’s easy with an online meeting) because they don’t see the value for them yet.
So from this perspective, a lead from online marketing has a better chance of converting into a business case than a lead from a cold call.