Running an ad campaign on social media is easy

 Running an ad campaign that gets good results requires effort. Running an ad campaign that stands out in 2023 is almost a miracle! We say ” almost ” because in reality there are still ways to create “hipster” campaigns that will stand out. 

To exploit before your competitors :

Niche social media. What is a niche social media? We are talking about a platform (website or application) that is not part of those used every day by the majority of the population (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, YouTube, etc.) and that has a very specific clientele . Indeed, the social media that are part of our daily lives have so many users that all the companies in the world can advertise on them.

To be closer to your target audience, how about creating

Advertising campaigns on social media used by people who have interests closely related to those of your business and where the competition for views is less fierce?

For example, the social media Houzz  brings together subscribers who are passionate about interior design and renovation. Imagine being an architecture firm or an interior designer on your own… it’s heaven! In fact, we already have an article dedicated to Houzz.

Reddit – Endless forums on specific topics

Examples of discussion categories on Reddit:


Monthly active users : 330 million

Demographics : 69% of users are male and 45% of visitors are aged 25-34

Reddit itself is not very “niche” since it is one of the most popular sites in the world. However, by digging through all these “subreddits” (the many discussion forums, each more specific than the last), you can find real gold mines. Users discuss topics that are sometimes broad (like internet marketing) or sometimes very specific (like technical SEO ). The more approvals (up votes) a publication receives from users, the more visible it becomes.

Advertising on  laos girl whatsapp number Reddit takes the form of sponsored posts that appear in subreddits (discussion forums) that are relevant to your chosen target audience.

Advertising a tool for marketing agencies… in the “Web Marketing”  subreddit ?:

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The Benefits of Reddit Advertising

  • Little competition and huge opportunities.
  • Ability to generate a  lot of traffic at low cost.
  • Since an ad is  why poster printing is perfect for your next big campaign considered a new open discussion, a conversation  between users can start with it and create engagement.
  • Ability to target audiences by interests and specific subreddits.
  • Ads also run inside the Reddit mobile app.
  • An almost unmatched level of proximity between the company and potential customers.

Tips for Reddit Advertising

  • Don’t make an excessive amount of sponsored posts and don’t make ads that are too focused on selling a product or service. Reddit users don’t particularly like this kind of behavior.  whatsapp database brazil They prefer posts that lead to conversations, that bring something to the table.
  • Before you begin, make a list of subreddits that are relevant to your topic and get to know the users in them.
  • Besides advertising, one of the great things about Reddit is the proximity you can have with your target audience. A company or a member of a company who makes educational posts, who answers members’ questions, in short who engages in the community is a great way to build a relationship of trust with potential customers.

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