The ripple effects of expanding inbound consumption are huge

The Kansai region is made up of six prefectures: Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Wakayama, Nara, and Shiga. Major tourist cities such as Osaka, Kyoto, and Nara are concentrat in the region, and it is characteriz by a high rate of domestic and international visits.
According to statistics from 2016, the number of passengers at Kansai Airport, the gateway to Kansai for international travelers, was 6.09 million,

growing at a rate approaching the 6.82 million passengers at Narita Airport

A report from the Osaka branch of cayman islands whatsapp data the Bank of Japan states that “The number of foreign visitors to Kansai temporarily declin due to the effects of natural disasters in fiscal 2018, but since October the number of entrants at Kansai Airport has been recovering, reaching a new peak.” It also reports that duty-free sales at department stores in Kansai are increasing at a pace that exces the national average.


The following three points are cite as channels through which inbound consumption has an economic impact:

① The number of hotel rooms is increasing at a faster pace than the national average, and the number of new hotel construction starts is on the rise.



② There has been an increase in retail businesses,

such as opening new stores and prepare for the market with the master in investments renovating existing stores to target inbound consumption, which has further l to the attraction of foreign companies relat to inbound tourism.


3) There has been an increase in cases where foreign visitors use cross-border e-commerce to repurchase goods after returning home, and exports of cosmetics and other products have increas, particularly in the Kansai region.

For example, at the end of April, Seino Holdings, which owns Seino Transportation, and its partner drone startup Aeronext start a delivery service using drones in Kosuge Village, Yamanashi Prefecture, about a two-hour drive from central Tokyo. In
the future, they plan to expand their drone delivery service to depopulatd areas, which are said to number 816 cities,

towns, and villages nationwide (excluding Kosuge Village)

In addition, Rakuten start a service in Mie Prefecture on January 6th to deliver goods to remote islands by drone.
When residents of remote islands place orders using a smartphone app, drones are automatically controll to deliver the goods from stores in the city to the remote islands.
On June 15th, Japan Post announc a business partnership with ACSL (Autonomous Control Systems Laboratory), a drone developer, with the aim of putting drone delivery into practical use by fiscal 2023.

The current state of the drone business in Japan is that,

As in China, drones are often us for spraying text services pesticides, sowing ses, and inspecting facilities, rather than for drone delivery.
This is due to flight restrictions under the current Aviation Act. These flights are only possible within visual line of sight, and can only be carri out when there are no third parties within the flight area.
In the future, flights beyond visual line of sight in uninhabit areas are expect to increase.

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