People searching for keywords like good survey questions, survey questions to ask or survey examples are looking for content that will help them in the simplest way possible to ask good questions to their users or customers.
They don’t want to learn everything about questions, quizzes and interviews; they want examples, inspiration and shortcuts. That’s why Hotjar created this content with a practical angle above all else.
And as an example, you only have to look at the title, where they also take the opportunity to include not one, not two, but three main keywords for the search intent they cover (and they manage to do so naturally!).
Survey questions 101: over 70 survey question examples + types of surveys and FAQs
If the title is already juicy for its users
(more than 70 examples, different types of questions and FAQs), the promise developed phone number library in the introduction is even more attractive and specific.
However, before we get into the list of examples and types of questions, Hotjar starts by talking about the basics: definitions, why it’s important, etc. This is very common in SEO content, for two reasons:
- To provide context to less experienced users who may need it to properly understand the content.
- To have the opportunity to cover other keywords related to the topic, i.e. for SEO reasons. In this case, those introductory sections allow them to include powerful H2s website redesign: the key signs you need it immediately for compelling reasons SEO such as What is a good survey question? or Why is it important to ask good survey questions?
But Hotjar knows full well that most of its audience isn’t looking for this type of content.
And for this segment of readers, these basic, less practical and specific sections can be annoying, even hindering the experience. In fact, this is a critical point in SEO content writing.
That’s why they do something very useful: they announce that they are going b2c phone list to start with these sections and they give you a quick way to jump directly to the part of the content that the title promises: the list of more than 70 examples.
What can we take away from this SEO content?
- This is an article that is clearly focused on generating organic traffic, and that never loses sight of the fundamentals: helping the user solve their problem in the most practical way possible.
- They take great care of the reading experience with an incredible amount of images and highlighted texts, lists, resources to expand information, frequently asked questions, etc.