What else can we teach them?


The marketer
Social savvy checkbox. These participants know what works on the channels. They are often the drivers of employee advocacy programs and are perfectly capable of translating input into good social content.

What else can we teach them?

To make the social content they share or create a little less polished. It’s about the personal touch in employee advocacy programs. We want to see that reflected in the content they share, which makes the messages resonate and perform better.

Let them also think about formats and subjects that they consider successful. In short, make them part of the program.

The expert
Experts are all champions in their own (small) world. This group often has the coolest innovations or buy telemarketing data  stories available for the people.

Also read: Essential in your social media strategy: employee advocacy

What else can we teach them?

Finding, digging up and sharing those stories. A story that is not special to them in terms of subject matter, often is to the outside world. With the experts, you can create ideal content that you can then make available in your employee advocacy program.

In addition, you can help them share the content , explain how and perhaps you can also create separate content selections and channels for them.

Many different tools have the ability to create different channels based on topic. Think of industries, department caseno email list or product groups.

The creative
They are so creative, aren’t they? Always working on the next idea. They also like to share a lot of their own work.

What else can we teach them?
Thinking broader than your own creative palette. Other (company) news can also be shared, for example. Not everything  samsung galaxy tab s10 ultra review has to be perfect when you share it, don’t overthink it , just join in! Also ask them for input regarding the look and feel of the content. It is therefore important to make them part of the program.

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