Monthly organic traffic generated by the page: 19,200 visits
Number of keywords for which they rank: +2,500
Principales palabras clave: pitch deck examples, pitch decks, best pitch decks, startup pitch deck, investor pitch deck, investor deck.
SEO writing data
- Título: 30 Legendary Startup Pitch Decks And What You Can Learn From Them
- H1: same as title
- URL: /blog/startup-pitch-decks-what-you-can-learn/
- Content type: Blog post with list of examples and templates
- Number of words: 2,640
- Table of contents or navigation menu: No, but they do have a listing of the email data examples with direct links to each example from the introduction.
- Number of sections or H2s incorporating keywords: only 2. But here we must take into account that the first incorporates 30 H3s (one for example) and the second 9 H3s (one for each template), that is, it is a very complete article within the search intention to which it responds.
SEO Copywriting Example 2: Piktochart
If you’re looking for pitch deck examples , what you’re actually looking for are presentations.
And by the way, you’re not looking for just any example, but the presentations that make it easy to view useful information helped some of the world’s most promising startups become what they became.
Hence, the angle chosen by Piktochart, 3 0 Legendary Startup Pitch Decks And What You Can Learn From Them , is a great success, because it also includes all the presentations on Slideshare within the article itself.Just like in the Hotjar example, here we also see how listicle -type SEO content can have extraordinary value for the top of the funnel (ToF).
But this article, as ToF as it may be, comes with an extra ingredient: a final touch b2c phone list of product content, with a section of pitch deck templates ready to edit in Piktochart.
Traffic and positioning data
What do they achieve with this? They combine the best of the content for the top of the funnel (ToF) and middle/low of the funnel (MoF or BoF), in a way that is not aggressive, but completely natural.
That is, while reaching new audiences and solving their problems, they are educating them about the solutions they offer, and guiding them to subscribe to their product.