10 negotiation tips and 3 email templates for foreign

Your response will depend on many factors, including: who is asking for the discount? What is the size of the discount? And what is their reason for asking for the discount? You need to answer methodically and be prepared to have a meaningful conversation with the customer or prospect.

To help you navigate these discussions, here are 10 sample responses that work, as well as three email response templates. But first, let’s look at six top tips and tricks.

6 Tips for Ressponding to Customer Requests for Discounts

  1. Get to the heart of discount requests
    Depending on where the customer is in your sales process, your approach may differ. For example, if you receive a request from an old customer. It may be because they feel they are not getting the rebate they deserve for your product. If the request comes from a potential customer, you may need to consider whether your pricing is an important reason for their purchase.
  2. Consider whether you agree
    or not Giving in can sometimes Chinese Overseas Africa Number Data be good for business, it all depends on your company’s policies and the commercial pros and cons. You need to think about: 

    • The financial health of the client (if the client has just secured a sufficient budget, then you probably have a good long-term deal)
    • Your customers’ buying patterns (if you know them well enough)
    • The long-term value of the customer (giving a customer a discount may help you retain their business long-term)
    • Impact on your reputation (offering a deep discount might lead people to decide that your prices were too high to begin with)

  1. Consider discounting in various ways
    Package deals are a common way to offer discounts. In addition, you can try other reciprocal requests, such as asking for referrals to other customers, customer testimonials, or interviews.
  2. Standardize the Procedures
    Your company may have a standard way Algeria Phone Number List of handling discounts. When unsure, ask your superiors whether they would authorize a discount in each case. If you feel you should grant a discount, you may even need to prepare a business case for your boss explaining why it should be granted.
  3. Create a sense of urgency
    If your prospect is already in the sales process, a great way to handle a request for a discount is to use it as a push to close the deal faster. For example: If you decide to give a discount, you could say it’s only valid until the next day to encourage them to sign.