How to buy a business step by step

Determine what kind of company you want to buy
Are you convinced that an acquisition is the right path and do you have a clear idea of ​​what you expect from it? Excellent. Now think about what the company you want to buy should look like .

In order to find a needle in a haystack, you need to determine the basic parameters of the company you are looking for , whether it is the subject of business, the location in which the company operates, or the company’s sales.

In addition to setting goals you want to achieve with the acquisition, you should also have a clear idea of ​​how long it will take to get your investment back .

How to find a suitable company?

Once you know what company you want to buy, you can start rich people database  searching. It is ideal to start by opening one of the company databases, such as the Czech Merk database. Once you have selected companies that match your parameters using the database, analyze them in detail . How? Browse the company websites and also annual reports, including financial statements. You can find basic information about companies on the portal .

Prepare for a company acquisition
Have you managed to find suitable companies and approached the owners who have expressed interest in selling their company ? Then comes the preparation for the acquisition of the company.

The acquisition process usually takes 6 to 12 months and consists of several phases .

Due diligence of the company

A very important step in the whole process is to thoroughly  online marketing – comparison of success rates check the company to prevent the reality from being miles away from how the company appears at first glance. You should check the company from an economic, accounting and tax perspective, as well as from a legal, personnel and property perspective .

Due diligence should give you a clear idea of ​​how the company operates and what its working procedures are. At this stage, we recommend consulting with experts such as accounting firms and law firms.

Preparation of financial resources
The next step is to secure financial resources to purchase the company, either your own or external , for example in the form of a bank loan.

Ensuring managerial capacity
As we have already outlined above, the acquisition of a  thailand data company is inextricably linked to a whole series of actions for which it is necessary to allocate time and manpower , not only for the period of the acquisition itself, but also for the period after the acquisition. One option to ensure that the entire process runs as smoothly as possible is to agree with the owner of the company that he will continue to work in the company under your leadership for some time.

OUR TIP : Download our free guide How to Buy a Business , which will guide you through the entire process step by step.


First, clarify what you expect from the acquisition and whether it will be beneficial for you.
Find suitable companies that meet the specified parameters, find out as much information about them as possible and contact the owner with a non-binding offer.
Ensure sufficient managerial capacity for the acquisition implementation period and prepare the entire company for the acquisition.

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